To:Stars & His Dragon for His Inspiration

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than He seeks”.  John Muir


There is a place where water is born, out of the rocks, just like a storm.  Amazing magic it brings along, hard to experience, if you expect the norm.

Deep from Mount Shasta the water flows, it is not a glassier, but is as strong. Elixir of Life flowing along.

The World’s best water, singing a song. A song of life, and of worlds unknown. Cantos de vida, beautiful songs.

Rivers of agua flowing along, flowing, and singing amazing songs. Is Naturaleza singing a song, is Nature sharing her corazón.

A hole in the wall is what it is, and a Kiss of Breath from Mount Shasta’s bliss.

It is the Mountain, sharing a Kiss. Es la Montaña sharing Her bliss, sharing Headwaters, knowledge and peace.

Is it a spring? An aquifer? What kind of words do you prefer? When you talk to Gaia, you can ask Her.

Elixir of life this water is, elixir de vida All water is. Don’t drink it fast, or you will miss the bliss.

If you drink it slow You will feel Her peace. If you drink it consciously, You will taste Her lips, The Kiss of Breath of the Mountain’s Bliss.

Don’t analyze it, It’s just a Kiss! A kiss connected with All there is. Un rico beso, is what ti is.

And what is the Source of this Breath Kiss? Some say, “is Telos sharing It’s bliss” City of Crystal from down beneath. 

Is there one truth like “One Love” there is? Is it All a lie, or Truth just is? Is Truth absolute, or is it All one piece? If in some way it touches Me, than may be true it is.

For the best agua, this place is known. For Her enigmatic magic and beauty, the Mountain is known.

A beautiful rosa in a world of thorns, a beautiful princes in a world of gnomes, a hidden jewel behind  a world of thongs. An interesting loca, in a world of Norms.

A lot of people have come and gone, Being in the Mountain  has made them strong. Many souls, have evolved and grown, and many dreams have taken form.

Experience the known, and the unknown, also the seen, and the unseen, a world of the formed, and the unformed.

Staying informed, and uninformed, keeping an open mind, to the unknown. Stay a little bit loco, do not conform, but whatever You do, do not stay a Norm.

Normality rests holding a headstone, asking the grave, “where has all life gone”? Waited for retirement, just to sing the song. Life doesn’t wait, Life goes on and on.

Life passes by, and it’s just a ride, riding along like a train in a storm. Are we here just for success, or to life caress?

Succeed if you must, but also sing your canción. Sing your song with your heart, and dance your danzón, and do not forget to explore your corazón.

Do what you want before You go home, and don’t think so much on the right or wrong. Balance darkness and light for a better life song, for the best canción, for a better song. 

If a burning desire will not leave you alone, The Within is the place where you write the song. Do not wait for mañana, tomorrow life will be gone.

With a Kiss of Breath, you will be reformed, and from the espiritual aguas, You will be reborn, and perhaps remember where All life came from.

A drink from this springs, will move all your strings, and from the streams of life, You will be redeemed.

This elixir of life, will help You stay young, forever young, forever strong. Young of the heart, de corazón.

I’ve been sitting here, I do not know how long, to spend time sitting here, it just makes me strong.

There is no reason, no hay razón, there is no definition, no definición, just no Marry-go-round, to pull me along. Is this life just a poem, or is it also a song? 

I’ve been “watching the shadows” just like the song, “Just wasting time”, would say the Norm. But to just spend time Being here, how can it be wrong?

Mind, body and spíritu, singing an amazing song, Kinesiology singing, una linda canción, a beautiful song.

A hole in the Heavens this place really is. A Palace of flowers, of Love, and a Kiss. A Kiss of Breath, of Monte Shasta’s bliss.

Is not just agua that flows from Her lips, is the breath of life, a gift of life, and wisdom at your finger tips. 

Is is not dead agua, like some Cities provide, it is not for sale, and it has no price. Tell me why water is compromised, tell me why agua is monetized.

This is pure water, naturally purified, by the rocks, and by nature, not pasteurized. Es pura agua, no chlorine or fluoride, It is pure water, naturally ionized.

Deep down from Telos Some say that it comes, The City of Crystal from way back in time.

Home of Lemurians, and many other Beings. There are so many stories, and so many weird  things.

Stories of Aliens just flying along, crossing dimensional borders, and hiding from Norms. 

Is it legal migration, or ilegal migración? Should We call Border Patrol, or just let them fly along?

Stories of Masters walking along, and between Tree Spirits, They are walking among.

Arcángel Miguel is hanging out with Luzbel, They just crossed the border from a Universe Parallel.

Jesús has been spotted drinking wine with Germain, praying in the Mountain, and In-Joy-In the rain. Singing a song and feeling no pain. 

John Paul chills in Headwaters, sitting under a tree, sharing God’s love with Me, and with Thee.

He is talking to the people, the Ones coming out of the sheeple, and no longer in life, are sucking a nipple. 

Big Foot has been seen, hanging out by the ravine.

Sometimes riding a Dragon, that has been on the wagon. He says that drinking the spirits, turns the fire off His Breath.

Hanging out in The Mountain, just relieves all His stress, drinking too many spirits, made his life a big mess.

Adama is teaching, down by Widow Springs, He is giving talks on the power of Breath, while Buda is talking about the powerless  Death.

At the sound of drums you will be singing your song, with guitars and bangos playing along.

Didgeridoos, maracas, and a big ass bong, and smoke of incense just floating along. Mixing with ritual, music, laughter, and with life’s beautiful song.

If You can not play, just stay singing along. Sign with your soul, and with corazón.

Dance to the music, dance your Danzón. Baila mi hermana, and sing your canción.

A magical place la Montaña is, if you don’t feel the magic you will at least find some peace. If We transition manaña, will We do it with ease?

A peaceful place Mount Shasta really is, come as you are and in-joy the bliss.

And If in your life you don’t feel at ease, or if you are coming down with some kind of, this-ease? come to Mount Shasta to get a little bliss, come to Headwaters, and get a Big Kiss.

 A Kiss of Breath is what it is, and leave all your worries in the Cities please.

A hole in the wall is what it is, a kiss of breath from The Great Mother’s bliss. The most visited place in the Mount Shasta, Headwaters provably is.

There is a beautiful secret garden behind bridge. 

It’s a beautiful place just to hide away, and to watch the Gnomes, and the faeries play. A Place where my troubles just fade away.

And if in life you have lost Your way, here in the Mount Shasta you can always stay. You can camp in Sand Flat, and drum the night away, and trust that an answer will be coming your way.

A place to just Be, a place to just See, a place for just Me, but also for Thee.

If the gnomes and the fairies you fail to see, may be just chipmunks and butterflies they turn to be.

A place to wonder beyond this plane, a place to journey beyond the pain, and if your pain you no longer claim, than you can simply in-joy the rain.

If is more than a physical thirst you are here to quench, you are welcome to sit, in the little bench.

Spending some time, in this wooden magical bench, You may just find the strength to leave your trench. And If the snow falls before the rain, you can just simply in-joy the Train.

Iron Horse bringing travelers to music play, to share some love, and takes them away.

Some locals call them transients, but that is not correct, is our Beloved Great Mother, sharing sun set. She is sharing sunrise, without compromise, and spreading Her love like the butterfly effect.

One Love in the world Headwaters is, a kiss of breath of Mount Shasta’s bliss.

A place of rain, but also of snow, a place to unlearn, but also to know. And with all our knowledge, what do we know?.

Watching Headwaters, just flow, and flow, watching the waters, I just grow and I know. And many wonderful Beings, I get to know.

We only know, what we have been told. Are they true stories, that we now hold? To know is Now, the Now is know, Going within makes true knowledge flow, and after this life where do we go?

Living in the Now is the way to go, living right now is the way to know, Being in the Now, l see the past just go.

A beacon of silence this Mountain is. I become pleased when I get a peace kiss, A Kiss of Breath from Mount Shasta’s Bliss.

A place of gathering, a place of mothering, a place of fathering, a place of chattering. A place to slumber, and to awaken. How can so much love just be mistaken?

A thirst quenching portal for body, and soul. A gathering of old spirits, and of ancient souls, of Travelers from all places, and many worlds.

From places of imagination, future civilizations, past incarnations, and from places of past, and future generations They come to this location.

Are these real stories, or is it just imagination? Perhaps reality is after All, a matter of personal interpretation. May be it is All a big Hologram, or a perfect simulation.

You will hear stories of amazing manifestations, fantastic tales, and amazing realizations. Not many stories about fear or limitations.

Our lives are more than just problems and situations. Do not discard the power of prayer, meditation, and imagination. Use these wonderful tools, do not get lost in translation.

A hole in the world Headwaters is, a Kiss of Breath from Gaia’s bliss, a dimensional doorway to All God is.

In flowing waters Nature shares Her bliss, in All Holly waters, Her Love, and Her peace. 

There is a beautiful playground where children play, up in the Mountain the grownups play. In Panther Meadows they camp and pray.

What would life be If I don’t pray, what would it be If Me don’t play?

I see people go and I see some stay, “to drink the water, They came” they say, “to touch the water to drink, and play”.

To drink these waters will make you play, to drink this waters will make you stay.

A place of wonder this fountain is, a place to wander Mount Shasta is, a thing to wonder just like a kiss. A Wonderful journey, this life it is.

A Breath Kiss, is what it is, a Kiss of Breath, not just a Kiss.

Of all the frogs that you have kissed, How many Princes have You missed? How many Princesses have You kissed? With a Kiss of breath They will be released.

The lips of the Mountain this fountain is, a Kiss of Breath with all her bliss.

If a kiss in life you have ever missed, don’t miss the kiss of Mount Shasta’s bliss, and get a piece of Headwater’s peace, and in your journey you will be pleased.

And if you are falling in the Abyss, or if Life feels like as precipice, a kiss of Breath will give you peace.

A Kiss of Breath from the Father’s love, a Piece of fire from Great Mother’s stove, a Kiss of Breath from Headwater’s peace, just a Breath Kiss from Mount Shasta’s Bliss.

The next time these waters  you come to drink, there is more to the Mountain then what you think. There is more to  Mount Shasta, than what you have seen.

A Whole in the Void Headwaters is, a Kiss of Breath from Mount Shasta’s Bliss